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February 28, 2023

In almost every instance in the Bible, as well as in life, pride is associated with failure, not success. It was pride that caused the fall of Lucifer, and he became Satan, the devil. It was pride that led King Saul down to a shameful and untimely death. It was pride that caused Peter to deny his Lord.


The greatest act of humility in the history of the universe was when Jesus Christ die on the cross of Calvary. And before any man can get to heaven, he must kneel at the foot of the cross and acknowledge that he is a sinner, that he has broken the Commandments of God, and that he needs the grace of God in Christ. No man can come proudly to the Savior.


Lord Jesus, you suffered such humiliation and pain for me on the cross. I ask You, humbly, to forgive my pride and wrong ways that nailed You there.


Have a blessed day, be safe and healthy.

God bless us all.

12 For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.

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